
PNM VC until the end of 2023 has provided productive business financing facilities to more than:

900 business actors


The businesses receiving this financing come from various industrial sectors, including:

Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry



Trade, Restaurant, and Hotel

Transportation, Warehousing, and Communication

Business Support Services

Business Support Services

Social/Community Services

The financing for productive businesses is distributed through the network of representative offices owned by PNM VC.

Location of PNM VC Representative Office

  • Karawang
  • Cirebon
  • Bandung
  • Solo
  • Madiun
  • Semarang
  • Surabaya
  • Kediri
  • Banjarmasin
  • Banyuwangi
  • Malang
  • Jember
  • Yogyakarta
  • Purwokerto
  • Tegal